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Tag: Tips

How to Make a Long Layover Enjoyable

With a certain approach, layovers stop being wasted time and become a vast resource. These mandatory stops present a chance to look at your life from outside.

Must-See Architectural Sites in Berlin

Although Berlin has been heavily destroyed during the WWII, it managed to rebuild into an architecture lover’s delight. A huge part in that was played by

L.A. Woman at the Door

Driving down your freeways midnight alleys roam. Cops in cars, the topless bars. Never saw a woman so alone. Motel money murder-madness.

Living by the Sea

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever, said Jacques Yves Cousteau. Occupy McSweeney’s roof party biodiesel letterpress

How We Went to Vegas and Won $8

If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man. You win some, lose some, it’s all the same to me. The pleasure is to play, makes no difference what you say.

San Francisco Adventures

From Ocean beach to the clam chowder at Fisherman’s wharf, the whole city is filled with stories united by the salty wind from the ocean.

What French Cinema Has Taught Me

Did you know Robert Mapplethorpe thought that ‘magic’ disappears from a photograph when you start talking about it? Sometimes I tend to agree with that.

Occam’s Razor Meets Photography: Atlanta

This series of photos was inspired by Occam’s famous saying that ‘Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily’.

Why I Decided to Stay in Brooklyn

One day the landlord came to my Brooklyn home to do some small repairs. He was a senior black man with really nice manners, very calm and polite.